Increased pay supplements have been introduced for night work, weekends, and holidays. The increase was split into two phases, with the first increase implemented as of May 1 2018 and the second increase slated to come into force on May 1 2019. The existing 30% supplement for night work for non-hazardous occupations will increase to 40%, and the existing 35% pay supplement for hazardous occupations will go up to 50%. The supplement for work on Saturdays will go up from 25% to 50%, and up from 50% to 100% for work on Sundays. Calculation of all the supplements is based on the existing minimum hourly wage, which on January 1 2019 was raised from €2.759 ($3.10) to €2.989. The supplement for work on holidays will increase from the existing rate of 50% of the employee's average hourly wage to 100% of the employee's average hourly wage.