European Union
Mayer Brown’s James Ford says there are ways to navigate conflicting ESG laws on both sides of the pond
Three law firms weigh in on the EU’s new Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package, revealing how it will ignite investment opportunities and fuel client demand in the hydrogen sector
Looking ahead, financial services firms must keep an eye on member state implementation and potential gold plating
The European Court of Human Rights climate decision could consequently increase lawyers’ workloads on a global scale
Law firms are advising clients affected by post-Brexit divergence, which is forcing firms with both a UK and an EU presence to operate two separate compliance policies and reporting systems
D day for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has been delayed amid pushback from key member states
Technical and political complexities may present roadblocks for consolidated tape implementation in the EU and UK
The ECB president stressed the importance of coalescing around a single unifying project and rulebook as the EU faces a ‘critical juncture'
Sponsored by VdA Vieira de AlmeidaAssunção Cristas, Vanda Cascão and Miguel Ventura of VdA analyse the EU’s Taxonomy Regulation, assessing its potentially transformative ESG requirements as well as its shortcomings.
Sponsored by Arendt & MedernachIsabelle Lebbe, Gennyfer Peeters and Antoine Portelange of Arendt & Medernach shine a spotlight on the oft-overlooked ‘S’ in ESG, and analyse the various relevant regulations European businesses should be aware of.
Sponsored by Baker McKenzieJames Tanner and Eva-Maria Segur-Cabanac from Baker McKenzie examine whether the EU Green Bond Standard will be a realistic competitor to the ICMA Green Bond Principles