China Outbound Investment Guide 2024
Sponsored by LPA-CGR avocatsThe key components of a business-friendly environment are in place in France and present an opportunity for further Chinese investment, say Raphaël Chantelot, Ran Hu, and Hubert Bazin of LPA-CGR avocats
Sponsored by GSK StockmannMarcus Peter and Kate Yu Rao of GSK Stockmann provide a guide to the most recent legal and regulatory developments impacting Chinese investments into Luxembourg
Chin Outbound Investment Guide Archive
Sponsored by GSK StockmannMarcus Peter and Kate Yu Rao of GSK Stockmann explain why the outlook for Chinese investment into Luxembourg remains positive, despite the temporary change in investment conditions due to Covid-19
Sponsored by GSK StockmannMarcus Peter and Kate Yu Rao of GSK Stockmann outline the benefits of Luxembourg as an investment destination and global investment springboard for Chinese investors
Sponsored by LPA-CGR avocatsChinese investment into France held steady in 2019 while it dropped across the rest of Europe. Raphaël Chantelot, Fanny Nguyen, Hubert Bazin and Nicolas Vanderchmitt of LPA-CGR avocats review the jurisdiction’s investment advantages
Sponsored by Niederer Kraft FreyPhilippe Weber, Manuel Werder, Daniel Eisele and Elga Reana Tozzi of Niederer Kraft Frey review the Swiss investment framework and the foreign investment control law that Covid-19 has put on ice