M&A Guide
Sponsored by
Latham & Watkins
Senior M&A advisers at Latham & Watkins find several reasons to be cheerful about a potential resurgence in global deal activity as IFLR launches its 2025 M&A Guide
Sponsored by Bär & KarrerChristoph Neeracher, Philippe Seiler, and Raphael Annasohn, Bär & Karrer
Sponsored by Lee and LiYvonne Hsieh, Patricia Lin, Cheng-Chieh Huang, and Derrick Yang, Lee & Li
Sponsored by Atsumi & SakaiAkimoto Kawamura and Christopher Hodgens, Atsumi & Sakai
Sponsored by GSK StockmannMarcus Peter and Kate Yu Rao, GSK Stockmann
Sponsored by Latham & WatkinsNick Cline, Robbie McLaren, Douglas Abernethy, and Leah Adeniran, Latham & Watkins
Sponsored by Adsero – Ragy Soliman & PartnersRagy Soliman, Ahmed Abdelgawad, and Ibrahim ElGengehy, Adsero – Ragy Soliman & Partners
Sponsored by Weerawong C&PSiregran Sakuliampaiboon, Pootkarn Boonyarak, and Nicolas Ranza, Weerawong C&P
Sponsored by Latham & WatkinsRobert Katz and Charles Ruck, Latham & Watkins
Sponsored by Latham & WatkinsHeiko Gotsche, Christina Mann, and Nicole Kubalek, Latham & Watkins
Sponsored by PunoLawJonathan P Serrano, Roberto T Santiago, Jr., and Crisela L Bernardino, PunoLaw
M&A Guide archive
Sponsored by Latham & WatkinsIncreased regulatory intervention is here to stay, and deal teams must remain agile and skilful to meet the evolving challenges as Douglas Abernethy, Nick Cline, Robbie McLaren and Catherine Campbell explain
Sponsored by Fellner Wratzfeld & PartnersMarkus Fellner, Paul Luiki, Roswitha Seekirchner, Peter Blaschke, Fellner Wratzfeld & Partners
Sponsored by ASAR - Al Ruwayeh & PartnersSteven Brown and Rahul Sud, ASAR – Al Ruwayeh & Partners
Sponsored by Zepos & YannopoulosStefanos Charaktiniotis and Stathis Orfanoudakis, Zepos & Yannopoulos