Hoil Yoon
Hoil Yoon is a managing partner of Yoon & Yang in Seoul, Korea, which is one of the largest law firms in Korea, with over 440 attorneys and other professionals. His law practice concentrates on antitrust, international business transactions, and international litigation and arbitration. He has worked extensively with respect to cartels, dominance abuse, mergers and acquisitions, and unfair trade practices; distribution, pricing, and the intersection of intellectual property and antitrust; antitrust litigation; and international commercial/corporate litigation and arbitration. Prior to establishing Yoon & Partners (a predecessor of Yoon & Yang) in 1989, Hoil practiced law in the US as a partner of Baker & McKenzie for 10 years. He served as a member of the board of directors of the Korean Bar Association, an ambassador for International Economy and Trade of the Korean government, a non-standing commissioner of the Korea Fair Trade Commission, and a judge of the Seoul Civil District Court. Hoil was the chairman of the Asia Competition Association and the chairman of the section of antitrust law of the Seoul Bar Association. He was also a member of the competition policy advisory board of the KFTC until 2013. He was the vice chair of the international committee of the Korean Bar Association. He is a member of the ABA's section of antitrust law where he was a member of the international cartel task force and of the international task force. From 2005 to 2009 he was the chairman of the Korea Competition Forum. Since 2002 he has been serving as a non-governmental adviser to the International Competition Network.