August/September 2019
International Correspondents
Tax Relief
Special Features
News Analysis
Sponsored by Latham & WatkinsLatham & Watkins lawyers take a deep dive into US trends to unpick the patchwork efforts to regulate tokens, blockchains and cryptocurrencies and the businesses that deal in them
Sponsored by Brigard UrrutiaOn June 27 2019, the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) issued the third version of the private equity principles (principles). The principles continue to reiterate that the essence of an effective private equity partnership is built on the alignment of interests, governance and transparency; however, this third version also addresses new issues.
Sponsored by Baker McKenzieBaker McKenzie partner Nick O’Donnell considers who or what is to blame for the fall in publicly-listed stocks worldwide – and why it’s unfair to say it’s the companies themselves