Africa Market Makers 2020 (June 2020)
Sponsored by Raposo Bernardo & AssociadosNelson Raposo Bernardo, Joana Andrade Correia and Júlio Martins Júnior of Raposo Bernardo review Cape Verde’s recently revamped and modernised corporate finance framework, which provides a swathe of new financial supports and aims to supercharge MSMEs.
Sponsored by Raposo Bernardo & AssociadosJoana Andrade Correia and Júlio Martins Júnior of Raposo Bernardo review São Tomé and Príncipe’s recent efforts to overhaul and streamline its investment framework, including the establishment of a flagship One-Stop Office.
Sponsored by VdA Vieira de AlmeidaTiago Marreiros Moreira of VdA and Vanusa Gomes of ASP, member of VdA Legal Partners Network, review Angola’s battles with the double whammy of depressed oil prices and Covid-19, while steadfastly pursuing its privatisation programme.