The finalists for the 26th annual Asia-Pacific Awards 2025 are revealed - winners will be presented in Hong Kong on April 16
The full list of finalists for the IFLR Asia-Pacific Awards 2024
The chief sustainability officer of the Philippines' largest telecoms company discusses its ESG strategy
IFLR is delighted to reveal the winning deals, teams, law firms and individuals for the Asia-Pacific Awards 2023
12th annual awards announce winners
The Women in Business Law Awards is excited to present its shortlist for the 2022 APAC Awards.
While the island nation aims to open up to foreign investment, it does so with the caveat of a review mechanism that allows the president to prohibit investments which endanger national security
The majority of survey participants expect to see interest in Chinese outbound M&A transactions going into Southeast Asia, while some expect activity in Western and Eastern Europe
Sponsored by PunoLawJonathan P Serrano, Roberto T Santiago, Jr., and Crisela L Bernardino, PunoLaw
Sponsored by MVGS - Martinez Vergara Gonzalez & SerranoElmer B Serrano of Martinez Vergara Gonzalez & Serrano shares his expertise and explains why the Philippines’ value proposition remains sound