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  • In December 1996, the Austrian legislature adopted the Securities Supervision Act (Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz), which provides for the formation of the Federal Securities Supervision Authority (Bundes-Wertpapieraufsicht). On January 1 1998, a substantial part of the law's provisions concerning notification requirements entered into force. At the same time, an ordinance issued by the Ministry of Finance for implementation of the Securities Supervision Act became effective (Wertpapier-Meldeverordnung).
  • In October the Commission held an oral hearing to discuss the way forward following the publication of its Green Paper on vertical restraints, referred to in the March 1997 issue of International Financial Law Review (see page 62).
  • Law 8/1987 of June 8 regulating pension funds (Planes y Fondos de Pensiones), provides that each fund has a single managing and a single depositary entity. This gives rise to a system of mutual controls between the entities, and the legal regime of the liabilities arising from their actions. The new law allows pension funds to invest in foreign financial assets, where their investments are regulated by the statutory law pertaining to Spanish outward foreign investment and exchange control.
  • UAE
    Central Bank Circular No. 19 of 1997 establishes guidelines for banks, finance and investment companies to follow when lending funds to persons who wish to subscribe to shares of public joint stock companies. The growing number of initial public offerings of shares in public joint stock companies in the UAE represents an attractive and relatively new investment opportunity for UAE nationals.
  • Colombian law affords substantial protection to those who act as commercial agents. Agents may claim compensation on termination of the agency relationship, regardless of the cause of termination, and regardless of the law which governs their contract, so long as the contract is performed in Colombia.
  • In 1992, the Faroe Islands, controlled by Denmark under a home rule arrangement, were hit by financial problems. At the time, Den Danske Bank owned the majority shareholding of Føroya Bank, a major Faroe Islands Bank.
  • The European Council meeting in Luxembourg on December 12 and 13 1997 developed a specific pre-accession strategy for Cyprus. The conclusions note the accession process formally begins on March 30 1998 when the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the 15 member states meet their opposite numbers from Cyprus and the 10 central and eastern European applicant states. The European Council decided to convene bilateral inter-governmental conferences with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia to negotiate the conditions of their entry into the EU and the necessary Treaty adjustments. In addition to the establishment of an accession partnership and an increase in pre-accession aid available to all applicants, the specific pre-accession strategy for Cyprus will be based on the following:
  • The Zedillo administration continues to privatize the nation's most valued sectors, making1998 a promising year for international investors. Privatizations in 1996 and 1997, particularly in telecommunications (satellites, PCS auctions and long distance telephone competition) and transport (railways and ports), indicate Mexico's commitment to the long-term economic development model. Privatizations in 1998 will involve permits or concessions in natural gas, airports and telecommunications.
  • The central bank's circular 2.785 of November 27 1997 limited the total amount of margins and premiums paid by foreign capital vehicles to 5% (or 20% or 50%) of their respective net assets, when equivalent total investments in derivatives are the same as (or up to three or more than three times) their net assets.
  • UK firm Sinclair Roche & Temperley is to form an alliance with Singapore firm Colin Ng & Partners. Sinclair Roche, which specializes in shipping law, is to cooperate as closely with the Asian banking firm as it can without breaking strict bar regulations. A merger is forbidden by the Singapore law society.