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  • From January 1 1996, the system of standard tariffs for motor vehicle liability insurance has been replaced by the latest revision of the Federal Law on the Supervision of Private Insurance Companies (Insurance Supervisory Law, ISL). This revision abolished a 20 year-old mandatory system of a single standard tariff for all motor vehicle liability insurers in Switzerland. Now, motor vehicle liability insurers are free to fix a tariff, thereby becoming a non-restricted insurance business.
  • In the early 1980s, Riggs National Bank of Washington DC made loans to several wholly-owned entities of Peru. These loans were renewed in 1983 under the restructuring of Peru's external debt.
  • The New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZSE) has launched a new managed fund (the TeNZ fund) which tracks the NZSE10 Index (the Index). The Index is a weighted index made up of selected securities of New Zealand's top 10 listed companies, by market capitalization, which has the principal purpose of providing a measure of price trends of those companies. The TeNZ fund is a passive fund which will own a diversified portfolio of securities in the same weightings as the Index with the aim of providing investment results that correspond to the performance of the Index. Investors will purchase units in the fund, and the units will be tradeable on the NZSE.
  • Concluding his consideration of repos, Claude Brown of Linklaters & Paines, London, discusses the various master agreements for repos, buy/sell backs and stock loans
  • On May 21 1996, 54.6% of the voting shares of electricity distributor Light were sold to a consortium lead by Electricité de France for US$2.2 billion. This was the largest privatization to date and the second to involve a significant foreign participation. Light has 80% of the distribution market in the state of Rio de Janeiro and has now been granted a new concession for 30 years.
  • The package of regulatory reforms set to come before the Legislative Council this autumn will innovate as well consolidate. John Holmes and James Walker of Clifford Chance, Hong Kong, look at its new provisions
  • Inco, the North American nickel company, has acquired Diamond Field Resources, the Canadian metals company, in a US$4.3 billion agreed takeover, the largest in Canadian history.
  • The High Court recently held in Possfund Custodian Trustee v Diamond that it is arguable that those responsible for the issue of a company's prospectus owe a duty of care not only to initial subscribers but also to subsequent purchasers of thatcompany's shares in the market. Shares in Diamond Group Holdings (Diamond) were placed on the Unlisted Securities Market in April 1989. Most of the plaintiffs were subscribers but some had also made subsequent purchases of Diamond's shares on the USM. These later purchases took place in the 'after market', the period (in this case two-and-a-half months) after the placing during which the most recent published financial information on Diamond remained that found in the prospectus.
  • The trend towards structuring initial offshore purchases in US-registered public offerings as Regulation S transactions raises a number of legal questions. By David E Neuville of Baker & McKenzie, Hong Kong