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  • Akbar Komijani, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Iran, tells IFLR what is needed to help the Islamic finance market take off
  • Automatic and autonomous machines and systems have multiple applications across the financial sector but the regulatory implications cannot be ignored
  • Bankers need lessons in Mifid II compliance
  • In early September it emerged that fewer than 10 UK-based banks had applied for EU licences to continue trading after Brexit. According to Reuters, the sloth pace is concerning to those at the European Central Bank (ECB), who are beginning to think that either banks are ill-prepared (unlikely), or that there's a loophole in the legislation (slightly more likely).
  • The FCA’s announcement that it would phase out Libor by 2021 has confirmed that some key historic benchmarks are likely to be obsolete over time. But their replacements still have a role to play in the future
  • Bond issuances in the Latam nation are rising, but investor confidence needs a further boost
  • The PRC is racing to regulate token sales
  • New York residents often have little time to prepare their own meals. Once or twice a week, they have prepared food delivered to their apartment. There are a number of websites and apps for this, which until fairly recently this reporter believed seemed to be in direct competition with each other – as it turns out, they are largely all one and the same.
  • This is a continuation of the update in last month's briefing. The exchange of information by the Macau SAR under Law 5/2017 – which established the new regime for the exchange of information with foreign entities on tax matters – may also occur upon a request being received from a foreign country which is a contracting party to an international agreement or convention on double taxation or on prevention of tax evasion. This is, however, subject to reciprocity: the Macau SAR will only process requests received from countries that would admit a similar request if made by the Macau SAR.