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  • The new rules, which took effect on June 1, are expected to give cause for concern to businesses and data subjects operating in or with the PRC
  • Market instability in Africa’s second-largest economy has impacted deal levels. But a number of growth areas could underpin future investment possibilities
  • Motorways and expressways have long been viewed as a means of attracting investment and advancing the economic situation of the given locality. The construction of motorways is, however, a costly and time-consuming endeavour right from the very beginning in the authorisation process phase, and the entire process is rife with problems. New legislation came into force in early June 2017 in an effort to promote the construction of motorways. It is intended to reduce the time required for the authorisation process.
  • A European company may be drawn to this market if it operates in the life sciences sector and needs to raise significant funding
  • Sponsored by Homburger
    Dieter Grünblatt, Stefan Kramer and Benedikt Maurenbrecher of Homburger explore structuring options for international and domestic covered bonds involving a Swiss issuer
  • No rest for the EU financial markets this summer
  • The single supervisory mechanism has impressed, but filing requirements and JSTs should be addressed
  • On a recent trip to Sao Paolo, a local told me that there are three ways to get rich in Brazil: become a politician or a judge, or open a church. While this list may not be exhaustive, and likely untrue, nowhere is the sentiment more pertinent than in this country.
  • The lighter side of the past month in the world of financial law
  • Siew Kam Boon In Australia, NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT has agreed to merge with independent HENRY DAVIS YORK after partners at both firms voted in favour of a union. The combined firm will now have 160 partners in Australia, with offices in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.