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  • China is closing the doors to investment offshore as it tightens the grip on capital flows. Some of its corporates risk being left behind
  • Sponsored by Bae Kim & Lee
    Jae In Lee and Se Yeong Im of Bae Kim & Lee examine how regulators are increasingly turning their attention to the country’s virtual currency market
  • The lighter side of the past month in the world of financial law
  • Since 2003, the Central Bank of Cyprus has maintained a database known as the Central Information Registry (CIR) to record details of issuers of dishonoured cheques. It is administered by a committee, which has the sole competence to register, maintain, update and delete data regarding registered persons.
  • Sponsored by Bird & Bird
    Marcus Chow of Bird & Bird gives an overview of the various sources of financing and initiatives available for fintech startups in the city-state to support their growth strategies
  • In a bid to better conform to international standards and improve the quality of information disclosure, the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK) issued a new regulation in March 2017 detailing public disclosure obligations of certain shareholders of Indonesian public companies.
  • Garrett Monaghan In Denmark, DLA PIPER continued its big push in the Nordics with the announcement of a merger with LETT. This move makes DLA the only international firm to have established a presence in all four Nordic nations following its mergers with Finnish outfit Peltonen LMR and Swedish group Grönberg, both in 2016. The team also boosted its Finnish operation this month with the addition of M&A partner Matti Ylä-Mononen from fellow international firm Bird & Bird.
  • Sponsored by White & Case
    The new asset class introduces an additional layer of bail-inable debt but doubts remain as to how it should be regulated
  • On March 3 2017, the bills for amending the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (the Amendment Bills) were submitted to the Diet. They set out some basic rules surrounding the fair disclosure rule, the introduction of which is in line with an international trend – the US and EU have already introduced similar disclosure rules. The main purpose of the fair disclosure rule is to ensure that when a company provides inside information to a third party before its public disclosure, such information is also provided to other investors.
  • On March 10 2017, the Federal Council of Switzerland opened a hearing procedure for the amendment of the Lex Koller, the law restricting the acquisition of real estate by persons abroad. The Federal Council proposes in part very severe restrictions. For this reason, the Federal Council is not formally proposing to implement the most controversial changes relating to commercial properties and listed real estate companies, but rather is putting them up for discussion only.