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  • Samson Lo, head of M&A at UBS in Hong Kong, surveys the landscape for deals in Southeast Asia and the developments shaping transactions
  • Sponsored by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
  • Sponsored by Latham & Watkins
  • President Trump’s suggestion to re-instate Glass-Steagall has been dismissed by many market participants
  • The measures to address the EU's growing NPL problem are a departure from its previous prescriptive stance. But questions surround the role of servicers
  • The critical status of clearing houses in the derivatives market is protected by EU-level regulation. But the fact that no single solution has been chosen to tackle potential issues is causing concern.
  • While US bond issuers would tend to favour flexibility in devising their covenant packages, investors can also fight back
  • In the midst of the most ambitious concession programme in Colombian history (4G), the country is suffering a backlash from the most profound corruption scandal in the region.
  • Earlier this year, Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources issued a regulation to regulate the pricing of gas fed into the country's electric generators. PLN, the state's electricity company, is the largest operator of these generators, although the regulation also applies to other electricity producers supplying electricity to PLN.
  • Another round of consolidation in the Iberian financial sector is expected in 2017. And, if only in terms of the semi-announced and widely discounted merger between Bankia and Banco Mare Nostrum (BMN), this new round does indeed seem likely. More broadly, the present map of institutions, with roughly 15 substantial financial groups (though with remarkable differences in size) is commonly acknowledged as an intermediate stage in the route towards a landscape that will be dominated probably by fewer than 10 groups.