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There are 25,300 results that match your search.25,300 results
  • This month’s poll considers what’s holding Islamic bonds back from the mainstream. Vote now on the homepage
  • Loan asset holders are faced with risks when a distressed lender can’t meet its funding obligations. But there are ways to mitigate the dangers
  • Although the vote does not have any legal force in the short term, there will be changes felt in the market – in volumes, volatility and documentation
  • The territory’s regulators are struggling to address increased risks of virtual currency trading
  • Ignacio Buil Aldana Marcos Perales Mellado The measures introduced by the 2014 reform of the Spanish Insolvency Act represent a step forward for debt-for-equity swaps. The reform aims to give operationally viable but financially constrained companies a flexible and attractive debt capitalisation regime, while also respecting the creditor's legitimate expectations.
  • The financial services industry is urging the country’s regulators to seriously reconsider the proposed net stable funding ratio rule
  • Oene Marseille Emir Nurmansyah In July 2016, Indonesia's president Joko Widowo issued a new regulation clarifying a previously issued presidential regulation which had set a minimum authorised capital amount of IDR 50 million (approximately $4,000) for the establishment of companies.
  • A governing law breakthrough led to serious workload for banks and their counsel on this African financing
  • Samsung Asset Management's successful launch of Hong Kong's first inverse and leveraged products this summer overcame a series of challenging risk assessment and disclosure tests.
  • Buyers looking to finance acquisitions in government-run auctions are finding their commitment letters under increasing scrutiny