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There are 25,325 results that match your search.25,325 results
  • IFLR’s poll asks which areas of the CMU action plan will have the biggest impact on kick-starting the continent’s capital markets
  • Dong Heon Chae and John D Ro of Yoon & Yang review recent Supreme Court decisions on trade finance, which suggest a continuing adherence to international standards
  • This October, the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements enters into force. Christophe Bernasconi of the Hague Conference on Private International Law outlines the progress made by signatories, and how it could change business practices
  • Iain Sheridan of Big Ben Chambers shares his top three tools for facilitating the smooth-running of international arbitration
  • Cosmin Vasile of Zamfirescu Racoti & Partners advises parties to a dispute to pay close attention to the varied demands of insolvency and criminal law
  • Pelin Baysal and Ilgaz Önder of Gün + Partners consider whether Turkish courts are efficiently enforcing the collection of evidence in dispute proceedings
  • The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution is driving broader acceptance of alternative forms of dispute resolution. Its president and CEO, Noah Hanft, explains how the organisation is helping address the major misconceptions
  • Chao Yang and Jingjing Chen of Hui Zhong report on the Supreme Court’s Reply that broke the deadlock on jurisdictional conflicts after the split of CIETAC
  • Urs Feller and Marcel Frey of Prager Dreifuss describe what to expect when foreign parties start knocking at the doors of Swiss enforcement authorities with a judgment in hand
  • Alexis Mourre, president of the International Chamber of Commerce International Court of Arbitration is striving to take arbitration to the next level