Special Focus
As technologies including NFTs, DLT, and blockchain grow in popularity, Asia’s lawmakers are considering how to manage risks and create a stable regulatory environment, as IFLR’s correspondents report.
As Asian governments increasingly introduce frameworks for classifying and encouraging sustainable investment, IFLR partners with leading experts to publish a second edition of the ESG Asia Report
IFLR brings you an exclusive insight into the key trends driving ESG in 2022
Isabel Høg-Jensen of BSP examines the EU Taxonomy Regulation, which aims to enable fund managers to gather relevant sustainability data and meet reporting requirements
As countries worldwide enact laws to enhance the promotion of ESG matters, IFLR has partnered with leading experts to show how Europe is strengthening sustainability initiatives.
As Asia's financial and corporate world steps up its action to confront climate change, IFLR's Prin Shasiharan has partnered with thought leaders to analyse ESG progression in the continent
IFLR has partnered with leading advisors to share their knowledge and vision for Chinese outbound investment in Luxembourg and France
As Asia’s fintech industry develops as a global hotspot, IFLR brings you the sector’s latest developments
Sponsored by Vieira de Almeida & AssociadosMiguel Ventura of Vieira de Almeida & Associados explores the complex and potentially highly significant interplay between a company’s value chain and the EU’s Taxonomy Regulation
Sponsored by Walder WyssAlex Nikitine, Andreas Hösli, and Carmen Spichiger of Walder Wyss explore the challenges facing Swiss companies as they attempt to balance Swiss, EU, and international ESG requirements, and adapt to recent legislative developments
Sponsored by AdvestraAnnette Weber of Advestra believes an extension of the current scope of ESG reporting is not meaningful given the substantial burden for smaller companies and against the background of the EU’s new ‘omnibus’ package