Sponsored by Llinks Law OfficesLlinks Law Offices explains why a revision of China’s bankruptcy regime is on the agenda amid a sharp rise in cases
Sponsored by Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & AssociadosDiana Ribeiro Duarte, Pedro Capitão Barbosa and Sofia Araújo Matias of Morais Leitão outline the European Commission’s latest proclamations on sustainable finance, which address the relationship between the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the SFDR
Sponsored by Riquito AdvogadosJoão Nuno Riquito and Belmiro Leong of Riquito Advogados explain the expanded role of the company secretary in Macau and its relation to good corporate governance.
Sponsored by AdvestraSandro Fehlmann and Valérie Bayard of Advestra examine the likely impact of increasing demand for sustainable investments, the implementation of the regulatory framework for financial services and financial institutions that entered into force in 2020, the merger of Credit Suisse and UBS, and the introduction of L-QIFs.
Sponsored by Bär & KarrerAs the Swiss tax authorities take an increasingly aggressive approach, Matthias Bizzarro and Ricardo Marino of Bär & Karrer explain the relevance of tax rulings, taxpayers’ means of appeal, and the burden of proof
Sponsored by Riquito AdvogadosJoão Nuno Riquito and Hália Cerqueira of Riquito Advogados report on a one-stop dual listing initiative between Macau and Luxembourg that is expected to build international financing channels and foster financial innovation
Sponsored by GSK StockmannMarcus Peter and Kate Yu Rao of GSK Stockmann illustrate the most recent legal and regulatory developments impacting Chinese investments into Luxembourg
Sponsored by LPA-CGR avocatsRaphaël Chantelot, Ran Hu and Hubert Bazin of LPA-CGR avocats report that China retains a strong business presence in France and identify several factors that point to a positive outlook for foreign investment
Sponsored by Bär & KarrerChristoph Neeracher, Philippe Seiler and Raphael Annasohn, Bär & Karrer