Davis Polk wins firm of the year plus all the night’s winning deals, teams and individuals
IFLR is delighted to announce the shortlist for the IFLR Americas Awards 2022 – winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in New York on May 19
The Americas awards research cycle has now begun – don’t miss out on this opportunity to get recognised
Research for the 2022 IFLR Americas Awards has now begun, with winners to be announced on May 12 2022
The bid by the Central America nation to adopt the digital currency could backfire if bitcoin volatility becomes more severe than its own currency
Haircut negotiations appear no closer to reaching a conclusion and the additional economic stress of the pandemic is not making things easier
IFLR is delighted to announce the winning deals, teams and law firms for the 2020 Americas awards
The effective failure of Mercosur highlights a greater need for the continent to work together to establish peace, regulatory control and stability.